Tuesday, 28 November 2017


- Irland its separated in to two countries : Irland and Northern Irland
- Capital cities are Dublin (Irland) and Belfast (Northern Irland)
- Population 6,4 milllion , of wich 4,6 live in Irland and 1.8 live in Northern Irland
- Irland has many world-famous sities: The Giant Causeway, Titanic shipyard.
- Some Irish people like: Oscar Wilde , Jones Jaice and Samuel Becket of writters etc.

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

disapointing: decepcionante
dramatic: dramatica
dull: abuurrida
enjoyable: agradable
enterteining: entretenida
hilarious: divertidisimo
informative: informativa
original: original
predictable: predecible
realistic: realistica
spectacular: espectacular
terrifiyng: terrorifica
award: premio
beginning: comienzo
bestseller: mejor vendido
ending: final
film director: director de cine
hit: golpe
main character: actor principal
novelist: novelista
plot: critica
review: revision
setting: ajuste
audience: publico
box office: taquilla
income: ingresos
publicity: publicidad
special effects: efectos especiales
talented: talentoso
just in time: justo a tiempo
ghost: fantasma
gift: regalo
joke: broma
live: en vivo
performer: actuacion
tale: cuento
a bit: poco
fairly: bastante
incredible: increible
prettty: hermoso
quite: bastante
very: mucho