Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Vocabulary of Madame Doubtfire:

Advert : an announcement in the media.
Advice : reconmendation or help.
Applying for : formally asking for a job.
Appoinment : a meeting ar a particular time and place.
Arguing: fighting
Arranged : placed i na particular position
Babysister : a peron who watches the children
Behave : the way a person does or says
Brave : showing courage or valour occupied
Busy : occupied
Childish : appropiate for a child, immature
Complaning: expressing unhappiness
Dessert : swet last course of a meal
Disappointed : sad
Embarrased : awkward , uncomfortable
Excited : enthusiastic
Fair: right and just
Fastener : a device to close something
Handwriting: a person`s style of writing

Thursday, 8 March 2018

The the healthy dish that we have chosen is

1. Una cremosa tostada de aguacate.

Una tostada con aguacate es básicamente lo más fácil de hacer en el mundo, además de que es buena para ti gracias al abundante contenido de Omega-3 del aguacate. Pero tiene un sabor tan exquisito que te sentirás como si estuvieras engañando a la vida cuando te comas una. Por cierto, también es muy elegante

Preparation: It is a simple crunchy toast of whole grain, then you add avocado (rolled or pureed) more sea salt, red pepper. But this is only at the beginning because then you can add an egg cooked in slices and a good jet of oil, or you can also do this (avocado + feta + pomegranate toast to have that sweet spot that the avocado does not give you.

Sunday, 4 March 2018


armed robber: delincuente armado
burglar: ladrón (casa)
detective: detective
fraudster: defraudador
judge: juez
lawyer: abogado
mugger: asaltador
murderer: asesinato
police officer: oficial de policia
private investigator: investigador privado
thief: ladrón
traffic warden: vigilante de la O.R.A
burglary: robo
murder: asesino

arson: incendio provocado
blackmail: chantaje
credit-card fraud: fraude de tarjete de crédito
drug-gealling: tráfico de drogas
forgery: falsificación 
identity theft: el robo de identidad
kidnapping: secuestro
pickpocketing: carterista
shoplifting: hurto
speeding: exceso de velocidad
vandalism: vandalismo
smugling: vandalismoo
diguise: disfraz or disfrazarse